Free january 2019 desktop calendar
Free january 2019 desktop calendar

free january 2019 desktop calendar
  1. #Free january 2019 desktop calendar pdf
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#Free january 2019 desktop calendar pdf

Happy new year and happy selling, everyone!ĭesktop Calendar | iPhone Calendar | iPad/Tablet Calendar | PDF Calendarĭesktop Wallpaper | iPhone Wallpaper | iPad/Tablet Wallpaper | PDF Wallpaper P.S. Starting the year off practicing these habits will make for a much more positive and abundant year in general! Visualize what you want to see happen this year and dwell on it. Having your goals and what you want to achieve visually represented in front of you will help to keep you focused on what matters. We mention it often, but now is a great time to remind ourselves of it all over again: thinking positive and fighting off negativity is SO important as you start off your year! If you’ve never created a vision board, this is a fantastic time to work on one. There are probably some listings that were big sellers for you at Christmas that would also make lovely gifts for Valentine’s Day as well! And as usual, our tools have your back as you begin to brainstorm new keywords to apply to your listings. January 10th marks six weeks until Valentine’s Day, so if there are any listings that need to be spruced up for this holiday, now is the time to start making those changes. Once you’re back from that much-needed break, start to look ahead.

free january 2019 desktop calendar

That’s all there is to it 🙂 Start thinking ahead A healthy shop owner equals a healthy and thriving shop. Whatever it is, truly give yourself a break and know that this is both a great thing for your mental clarity and the health of your shop.

free january 2019 desktop calendar

Resolve to step away from the computer and put your phone down. Taking a few days (or weeks depending on where you’re at with your business) to really step away and do some self-care is very important for your health and well being.ĭon’t push so hard that you risk burning out before another year rolls around. It is 100% ok to give yourself a much-needed break and take a breather. Should you get organized with some sort of planner or system? Absolutely! But, remember, you’ve literally just come out of one of the busiest times of the year. Is it important to write down goals? Yes. It’s loaded with tons of awesome information that comes straight from Etsy! The resources Etsy provides here are amazing and the advice packed articles are sure to nourish your little Etsy selling soul 😉 Put it on that aforementioned to do list to dive into these articles and learn all you can from the place your shop calls home. Ok people, if you’re an Etsy shop owner and you’re not familiar with the Etsy Seller Handbooknow is the time to get up close and personal with it. Plus, you can check them off as you go and I’m not sure if it has something to do with being an artist, but there’s something really satisfying about checking things off a list 😉 I feel accomplished AND productive! A win-win in my book! Straight from the horse’s mouth Planning out each week and day allows for bite-size goals that lead to larger goals being accomplished. A fantastic tool I use and love is the Productivity Planner. This little planner really helps to create small changes that lead to big ones. The trouble is, I tend to get overwhelmed with knowing where to start. It might not be a new concept, but it’s definitely a tried and true method for many successful business entrepreneurs. We always hear that we should write our goals down. The first couple weeks of January are a great time to take a big, deep, cleansing breath and begin to think ahead to what you want your year to look like in your Etsy shop and life. A whole year before us with new possibilities and plans. There’s something beautiful and refreshing about having a clean slate. We made it through the holiday season, y’all! I absolutely love the holidays, but I’m never really sad to see them go.

#Free january 2019 desktop calendar free

Our January 2019 free desktop calendar for Etsy sellers is available for download! This month we’d like to wish you (our amazing small business creatives, crafters, and makers) a very happy new year!

Free january 2019 desktop calendar